Don’t hate, appreciate

Bad things happen to good people. There’s no warning, nothing. Things just happen. Too many people are lost in our lifetimes that shouldn’t be gone. Over this past year, it seems that the lives of people close to us are being ripped away. But death happens everywhere. We think we have our entire lives ahead of us. “We’re young, we have time left.” But life doesn’t work that way. Your life can be ended in an instant. It doesn’t take very much to kill us; we’re not invincible. We don’t have a shield of protection. We’re mortal.

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Life in Fast Forward

“We are not youth any longer.  We don’t want to take the world by storm.  We are fleeing.  We fly from ourselves.  From our life.  We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces.  The first bomb, the first explosions, burst in our hearts.  We are cut off from activity, from striving, from progress.  We believe in such things no longer, we believe in the war.”

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Why School Is Killing Us All

The most common sentence you’ll hear a teenager say to their parent about school is, “You don’t understand.” And it’s completely true. Adults don’t know everything. They may think they do, or act like they have all the knowledge in the world, but they don’t. I’m tired of them saying that they would rather go to school every day than work. Yes, school can be fun and enjoyable, but that’s only at the elementary level, where you spent hours painting and playing house, with occasional lessons on the ABCs. High school is another story.

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