Jealous much?

I never understand why people become so jealous that they feel the need to bring others down.  It’s okay to be jealous, but to a certain extent.  You could want what someone else has, whether it’s a tangible thing or a state of being.  You’re jealous that the spoiled girl in your class got a brand new car for her birthday, for instance, or her super attractive boyfriend.  Or maybe you’re jealous that the person you can’t stand seems to be happy when you aren’t feeling very positive.

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The Strongest Bond

In English, we recently began reading All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque and it’s quite different from anything I’ve read before.  It’s a historical fiction, which I tend to avoid because it involves the word “history” and that has me running for the hills.  The book is focused on war and one of the most prominent ideas expressed so far is this comradeship between the soldiers.  Usually, the love in a book is between two individuals who feel a connection in a romantic way, but this bond between soldiers seems so much stronger.

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Why School Is Killing Us All

The most common sentence you’ll hear a teenager say to their parent about school is, “You don’t understand.” And it’s completely true. Adults don’t know everything. They may think they do, or act like they have all the knowledge in the world, but they don’t. I’m tired of them saying that they would rather go to school every day than work. Yes, school can be fun and enjoyable, but that’s only at the elementary level, where you spent hours painting and playing house, with occasional lessons on the ABCs. High school is another story.

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