For our English final, we were presented 3 options: create a presentation on what is the best, what is the worst, or how to do something.  Being the indecisive and sometimes lazy person I am, I chose option 3 since it seemed the easiest.  That and I couldn’t decide what I thought was the best and the worst.  There’s just so many options, you know?  Well I LOVE baking and I LOVE sharing with other people so I thought “Hey, why not make something the whole class can enjoy?”  I mean, who doesn’t love cookies?  (There are probably a lot of cookie haters but whatever they’re missing out.)

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The Giving Tree

Now I’m sure I mentioned this before: my innovation project.  If you’re unsure what exactly it is I’ll do an overview and share what the whole experience was like.  First of all, this project was thought up at the beginning of the school year.  I don’t know how I thought of it; it just came to me one day in the shower.  I think I was listening to the Taylor Swift song “Mine” and the music video of her underneath a tree with pictures hanging off the branches got my mind working.  My partner (and friend) Lindsay and I knew we wanted to do something for other people.  Something to make other people happy.  Something someone hadn’t really done before.  Something like the Giving Tree. *sorry for the low quality images of the tree they’re better on Instagram and Twitter, I promise*

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How to Win while Losing

Last week we watched “Rocky” during English.  I had never seen the movie before, but, of course, I had heard about it.  I never thought about watching it because it’s not the type of movie that I would normally be drawn to; however, I ended up really enjoying it.  The movie wasn’t full of action and wasn’t a hilarious film, but throughout the movie you grew more attached to Rocky, the main character, and you began to hope that he’s going to win the title match against all odds. *WARNING: SPOILERS*

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In English, we do things a little different if you haven’t noticed.  We don’t have the typical English class feel and we don’t do the things how other teachers do things.  We do things Theriault style.  We have innovation projects, Twitter chats, blogs, Brain Fuel, and BRAWLs.  We go in to class every day having no idea what to expect or if we’ll be doing anything school related that day.  It can be pretty awesome.  This is one of those things we do that is nothing like you’ve ever seen before.  This is the BRAWL.

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Using Anger as a Motivator

The other day in class we took a little quiz.  Well, we thought it was a quiz and had a mini panic attack because we had no idea that there was going to be one.  Long story short, it wasn’t  a quiz on The Count of Monte Cristo at all, but a quiz for ourselves.  We were asked what made us mad about our families, school, and ourselves.  Not your average English activity, right?  We weren’t going to turn them in and no one was going to see them; it was just for us.  Well, I got a little too absorbed in this activity and as I was reflecting, I actually got in to such a bad mood that I had to stop and think about why I was so angry.  I’m weird, I know.  Anyway once we had written all the things that had made us mad, we had to go back and write what we could to fix it.  So here is what I wrote in a rather large nutshell:

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Don’t hate, appreciate

Bad things happen to good people. There’s no warning, nothing. Things just happen. Too many people are lost in our lifetimes that shouldn’t be gone. Over this past year, it seems that the lives of people close to us are being ripped away. But death happens everywhere. We think we have our entire lives ahead of us. “We’re young, we have time left.” But life doesn’t work that way. Your life can be ended in an instant. It doesn’t take very much to kill us; we’re not invincible. We don’t have a shield of protection. We’re mortal.

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Jealous much?

I never understand why people become so jealous that they feel the need to bring others down.  It’s okay to be jealous, but to a certain extent.  You could want what someone else has, whether it’s a tangible thing or a state of being.  You’re jealous that the spoiled girl in your class got a brand new car for her birthday, for instance, or her super attractive boyfriend.  Or maybe you’re jealous that the person you can’t stand seems to be happy when you aren’t feeling very positive.

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Life in Fast Forward

“We are not youth any longer.  We don’t want to take the world by storm.  We are fleeing.  We fly from ourselves.  From our life.  We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces.  The first bomb, the first explosions, burst in our hearts.  We are cut off from activity, from striving, from progress.  We believe in such things no longer, we believe in the war.”

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The Strongest Bond

In English, we recently began reading All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque and it’s quite different from anything I’ve read before.  It’s a historical fiction, which I tend to avoid because it involves the word “history” and that has me running for the hills.  The book is focused on war and one of the most prominent ideas expressed so far is this comradeship between the soldiers.  Usually, the love in a book is between two individuals who feel a connection in a romantic way, but this bond between soldiers seems so much stronger.

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The Worst “Holiday” of the Year

Does Valentine’s even constitute as a holiday?  So many people are involved in this day, but how did this all start?  If you’re really interested, I suggest you check out this article because I’d rather not get into it. <> In my opinion, Valentine’s Day is quite pointless.  I guess you could Continue Reading